The appeal of blockchain-based gaming is clear: participate in activities you might have already been doing and make some money at the same time in a realm constructed by tokenized and tradable items. While attractive in theory, the reality is that these models cater to those with a familiarity with nonfungible tokens (NFTs) and surrounding technologies. Consider that most of these games present a steep learning curve with some knowledge, costs and other setup required before a player can participate in the ecosystem.
Emerging as a low barrier to entry, Bezoge, the first crypto game for non-crypto people, presents Legends of Bezogia with its unique in-game tokenomics and currency. The play-to-earn (P2E) MMORPG game lets players pillage enemy SHIBs and DOGEs to rid the world of fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD). Following the P2E model, players are invited to select a Bezogi and start their journey into earning blocks and rewards, whilst Bezogi NFT owners can rent or summon additional Bezogi if they already own two.
Where this game differentiates itself from other releases is its design as a mainstream offering that can be played by anyone. To enable this functionality, the game features a fully decentralized NFT rental platform where players can rent NFTs to use in gameplay without collateral or gas fees. Therefore, non-crypto gamers can now participate in Legends of Bezogia as they would in any other free-to-play game, eliminating previously mentioned high barriers to entry.
Bringing this project to life is a team of more than 30 in-house staff who share that the objective of this release is to become "the first crypto game for non-crypto people."
In alignment with this mission, the team has released a Theatrical Trailer